The tardis is broken

Apr 26, 2007 22:50

Was under the weather at work on Wed and today, although I was a fair bit happier today. Dave left to go on holiday for two and half weeks & we said goodbye on Wed morn. I'm not a pining (sp?) sort of person. I have alot planned and loads of stuff to get done, but its weird when someone you've spent about 3 or 4 days a week with for the last two months goes away for a while. It'll take a little bit of getting used to. I'll miss him. I was not helped at work by 'bleeping' moron admin guy who is the same age of my dad but has the maturity of a 7 year old. I've been bending over backwards to make life easier for him over the past month - you wouldn't believe how much work I've put in - and he cannot stop moaning. Some of my stuff is being cirulated to all staff in the Scottish Executive to use cus the trainer was so impressed with it, not to mention that its being used by the rest of the Police and Safer Comminuties teams, but still he goes on and on and on!!! After 30 minutes of him droning on wed morning I was ready to snap. Seriously, he's like 54 years old - more than twice my age - and I have to write instructions on post its for him on every invoice he has to process as he will not try and understand the new payment system or bother to read the bleeping instructions! He's not an idiot, he just won't put any effort in. I just couldn't face him on Wed. I have to admit to being very rude and ignoring him as I didn't want to say something I would regret.

Anyway, thankfully I have taken friday off work and don't need to think about him for 3 days - yay!

Am in Glasgow again, this time for my sister's B'day. We're going out tomorrow night and possibly going white water rafting on Sat - how cool is that! I've got plenty of other stuff ongoing to keep me busy too. I have to organise a wine tasting night for 13th July for amnesty international  and am planning to go Perth to visit my old flatmate, Nikki. I have just started playing FF12 so have got to get some more gameplay in, not to mention I need to practice playing Worms Armageddon so I can beat Dave when he returns ;D Also need to buy a dress for Louise's wedding on 14th June and get my hair cut and highlighted. Finally have got to catch up with some of my friends. Karen emailed me yesterday asking if I wanted to meet for drinks and its been ages since I met up with Jen and Daz. I also have LJ plans. I have a new texture to post when I get back to my flat and I've been making Dr Who icons (classic and new series).

Finally I leave you with the best scoobies in the world ever!!! ;D

From left to right: me, Erica, Leeanne (top), Christine, and the fabtastic Charlotte. Work those pouts!!!!
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