Alcohol is BAD

Apr 11, 2007 18:32

Totally meant to update on Good Friday as I've been so busy lately I haven't done any LJ-ing for a while. Why didn't I, you ask...? Simple. MONUMENTAL HANGOVER!!! It was Max's leaving do on Thurs and I got so incredibly drunk. People have been winding me up about it all week. I passed out in the toilets in the pub! It's been a looooong time since I was that buggered.


Was at the Amnesty UK AGM a couple of weeks ago which was really interesting. There was a debate on sexual and reproductive rights and I wish I had had the guts to go up and speak - but it was my first AGM and I was too scared! Was also in Glasgow over the Easter weekend and saw the parents and some of my old friends from High School. Next summer will be 10 years since we all left school - OMG! We are getting so old. It was amazing to see how we've changed. On Monday I dragged Dave to see a 20 yrs of Pixar exhibition at the National Museum.

Dave's been educating me in the ways of classic Dr Who (I can now name all 10 doctors in order!) and I've been converting him to Supernatural. We have been spending waaaaaay too much watching TV.

Finally I have gotta go as I have my book group in 40 minutes - Neil Gaiman's 'Neverwhere'.
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