The show must go on...

Mar 02, 2007 18:13

I am utterly spent. Actually it seems I'm always updating my LJ to say I'm tired, so no surprises there! I'm currently at my parents place in what used to be the study but is now my bedroom as my folks have turned my room into my dad's office. Hmph!

The conference was OK but the 5 star hotel was fantastic. The food alone was to die for! But I'm sure no one reading this is interested in the future drug strategy for Scotland, so on to more fun things - panto photos from last week!!

The cast - yes, I am the one in the PVC skirt and knee high boots draped over an older man!!!!

Party scene: I'm in the afro wig at the back we are dancing, although it looks like Isla is hitting me!

Telling off the 'Big Man/Woman': "Get a new bird! Or we'll all end up in coffins!!"

Man/Woman in pink wig: ladies and gentlemen, our director!

EEEEEEvvvvviilllllll!!!! My sworn enemy!

Our leading 'lady' in the red top and tights, along with the rest of her lovely family.

Whit a bonnie bride!

"Get her to a hospital quick!"

"Wisne me, gov!"

The grand entrance of the 'Ladyboy' a.k.a me!

Tomorrow its down to visit my grandparents, then I'm back up on Monday.
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