Torn, this world is torn

Jan 27, 2007 03:49

Before I begin this post I should mention that it is 4am over here and I have drunk the best part of 2 bottles of wine and a questionable amount of vodka.

The only reason that that my spelling is OK is that I have a good tolerence for wine. What can I say - practice makes perfect.

Enough of this babble. Allow me to to give you a tour round my flat:

This is my bedroom. The wall on the left is covered with tickets from shows I have been to and concerts I have seen. On the bed is Harry, my first teddy, given to me on my first christmas, a couple of cushions, and my lovely hotwater bottle - a pressie from Louise

This is the image above my bed. Astridart gave this painting to me as an Xmas pressie - its Simon Tam from Firefly. She painted it herself, the girl is amazingly talented.

Bookshelf of POWER and giant Pooh of joy . The giant Winnie the Pooh was a 21st Birthday pressie

Front of house - my lovely 28" TV and mantlepiece complete with photos. The pic above the mantlepeice was a gift from my ex-flatmate who was a graphic designer.

You cannot pile enough stuff onto a shelf. Top left is the afro wig I will be wearing to the Panto on 21st and 23rd Feb - Eeek!

I am a girly girl and have 12 million tonnes of toiletries and makeup. Bathroom, dresser top drawer and top left-hand drawer are filled with my rubbish.

I love my computer (notice pile of makeup on the left - am total girly girl and preen when on the computer). The bottom shelf is all Amnesty International stuff.

My bookshelf of wonder. Bottom shelf is DVDS. Middle two shelves are all Terry Pratchett (and yes, that is a model of Rinoa from FFVIII on the third shelf up...)

I love bright and slylish clothes - as this pic shows.

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