5 large light textures and happy news!

Jan 30, 2010 17:22


Holy cow, it looks more real written down! I can hardly believe it. It was Dave's birthday yesterday and also the third anniversairy since our first date, so we decided to treat ourselves to a fabulous meal at a michellin star restaurant - 7 courses of pure heaven! We had just finished dessert when one of the waiters came through with a little bear in a bag. "Awwww!" thought I, "Someone has sent over a birthday present for Dave, how thoughtful!" The next thing I knew there was a ring case at the bottom of the bag and Dave was on one knee and I would have been crying with happiness if I hadn't been in so much shock! He had also bought me a bunch of 10 white roses.

I genuinely had no idea he was going to propose but apparently he had been planning it all week.

Am indescribably happy right now!



Not even comments and credit could make me feel happier than I am right now!

large light textures

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