40 moonlit night textures

Sep 15, 2009 20:07

Dave and I haven't seen each other alot during the week recently because we're just too busy. He's got loads of band, quartet and orchestra rehearsals, we're both in book groups, I've been doing loads of amnesty stuff and am busy at work. This weekend was therefore AMAZING.

On Sat we went to the house of one of Dave's bandmates who cooked us a fabulous hungarian meal (well, he is hungarian!) over the fire in the garden and then the guys got out their instruments and had a wee jamming session while the rest of us chilled and listened. Afterwards Dave and I went to Ken and Lizzie's flatwarming. Sunday most of the day was just us us us... lovely! We cooked ourselves a lovely lamb dinner and relaxed together.



Comments and credit are smokin' baby!

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