30 flowing green river textures

Aug 25, 2009 21:30

Tis been a while since I updated - real life has been a bit manic. I've been working alot recently. We've had a few events which have been keeping me rather busy and I've been working a bit during weekends. Ergh. Been coming home knackered and plonking myself in front of the TV alot. I will be working again this Saturday. I may also have some good news but I'm waiting for everything to be confirmed before I write about it in my public LJ. And no - I'm not pregnant or engaged for that matter, they always seems to be the things everyone thinks of first!

My b'day on 14th was utterly fabulous. Had a great time with the gang and went to see the Chippendales! Yes it's shallow, girly and sad but it was also very very funny and entertaining, I couldn't breathe for laughing! Am now a glorious 29 years old young. I also won the texas hold'em poker the other night. There are a bunch of us that meet every so often and play and it was the first time I won :o)



Comments and credit are sexier than a chippendale

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