5 large textures

Jun 05, 2009 23:33

Well I feel... weird. Tis been a week of change - not sure what to make of it all yet.

1) Ken and Lizzie got married on Saturday! Wonderful event and gorgeous wedding, it was such a happy occasion. The strange thing was the way all the unmarried girls legged it AWAY from the bouquet when it was thrown including me, not - I hasten to add - because I don't love Dave cus I do, it was more because the prospect of marriage suddenly became very real and a little scary.

2) My boss has just left on pomotion to a post in Wales leaving me, for the next 2 months, in charge. I've just returned from her leaving drinks. I'm pleased for her as she deserves it but I'll miss her. I'm excited at the added responsibilities and opportunities the next 2 months will bring but also slightly concerned by the huge volume of work and pressures I will face (my 'to do' list is friggin huge).

I'm hoping for a quiet weekend to think about it all.



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