45 starburst textures

Feb 14, 2009 11:35

HAPPY VALENTINES! I hope your day is filled with love from family and friends and everyone around you :o)

Dave and I did all our celebrating last night - frankly it's cheaper to eat out together the night before valentines than on the actual day. We never go OTT on valentines (apart from our first but we had only been dating for about 2 weeks at that point so we were still in the soppy phase - when you've just bought a flat together you sacrifice pressies and big gestures so you can pay the mortgage!). I got Dave some Paul Smith aftershave and he got me a bunch of my fave flowers (I'm a plant person - I have 6 orchids, 2 dragon trees and an amaryllis scattered about the flat). Tonight he's going to cook a roast but right now we plan to tidy the flat and track down a stick of celery that the hamster has hidden somewhere - don't ask!



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