30 when paper goes bad textures

Dec 23, 2008 14:54

Once again it's Xmas, so once again I'm in Glasgow for the holiday. It's getting harder and harder to sort the 'home for the holidays' issue. On one level I would have liked to have stayed in Edinburgh and be with Dave, but then I'd have Xmas with his family which feels a bit weird, so I'm in Glasgow with my family but missing him like mad. Pft.

I've finally finished the Xmas shopping today - hurrah! I love shopping but hate Xmas shopping which just feels like a huge fight with the entire city for the last items on the shelf. Now I need to wrap the pressies and then later on this evening I'm going to meet with my old Uni mates for some well deserved wine and gossip.

If you've been following my move to the new flat you may be interested to see the pics I've posted on ourbedrooms  HERE



Comments and credit are early Xmas pressies...

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