40 loose white fibres textures

Sep 28, 2008 18:33

Like the new icon? It is, of course, our hamster Sweetpea - I couldn't resist it!

The last week has been both stressful and wonderful. The band night was on Friday so it was manic trying to get everything together in time. I didn't realise it was so awkward arranging for amps and drumkits to be at the right place at the right time! However, it happened, everyone had a good night, and much to my surprise we made £110! I had thought we had just broken even, so I'm quite relieved!

Also yesterday Dave and I found out that our mortgage application has been approved! OMG! We need to take advice from our solicitor and financial advisor, but this means that we're now in a position to sign the missives and become homeowners on 31st Oct!!! Hmmmmmm.... flatwarming party ;o) !! I'm thinking 1920s prohibition party theme...



Comments and credit are another reason to celebrate!!

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