Nooob ~

Aug 11, 2009 10:02

Konnichiwa (: Yes I'm a noob that still learning how to use this webpage x) As you all can see I'm a very very Japanese freak , I'm also a Korean freak . I like Chinen Yuri and Nakayama Yuma the most in Johny's Entertainment . Hey! Say! JUMP is my life . Arashi and NEWS are my music :D I'm became like this is because Amira introduced them to mee . Grrrr ~ Now I'm addicted to them . Heeeee but I like my new crazy life . Thanks Amira ^^ I never talk about them in school with my school friends because they are not like me eventhough one of friend is also their fan but she's not a freak like me , so I only talk about them with my new best friend , Niena - chan (: I know her from Myspace and I introduced her to Hey Say JUMP and she's addicted to them because of me , she likes Nakajima Yuto and Ryosuke Yamada xD I'm also learning how to speak Japanese by watching th Dramas and Animes . So yeah Jya ne ! Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu . Oh oh oh Happy Belated Birthday to Nakajima Yuto - kun :D

hey say jump, noob, weird, johny's, yuto

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