rhubarb diamonds and dirt

Jun 26, 2010 22:17

Hello from the third quarter of the fifth act.
The grasp of knowledge is held firm with wild ideas that float on hopeless ideals, yet the patterns of life shine through.
Here is the news, brought to you by the kind people producing the wealth of the world by killing the environment. Here is the new frontier brought to you by the corporate criminals who bled the economy dry and then used taxpayer money to bail themselves out of the hole.
Here is the news bringing you and you family bigger televisions, faster connectivity and more anonymous control than ever before. You may wonder why the contact you have with the company is so remote. The fact is, any contact must be controlled for any possible media spin that might arise. If any aspect of the company is found to be faulty, the lawyers have advised that the less said the better.
If problems are reduced to remote isolated instances, then only a sad bitter consumer might expect any solution. Everyone else is happy enough to put up with the general incompetence of the corporate effort. This includes government, which I'm sure you've seen is run like an anonymous company.
"Thank you for calling, please press the number of the extension, or hold until the crack of doom and a human will speak to you."
It's okay, nobody expected that capitalism would actually encourage people to care about each other. It's all about competition, after all. The winner takes the spoils, the losers complain, so if you're a winner, shut up. Just let the whole show continue. It's the third quarter of the fifth act.
The sale of emotions in capitalism is an important grease in the wheels of the machinery. Prostitution is a neat way of packaging people into useful itemized units, so the value of sex is kept at a monetary measurement. The society we have created has made the rape of war a forgettable fact that holds no interest for anyone. The dreams of peace are cloaked in the drugs and alcohol of the successful utopia that is capitalism. Any thoughts of alternate reality are quickly discovered and filed in security archives as dangerous. Don't bother with vague notions of resistance or rebellion. To live is to consume, and the corporate dream is the ruling religion. Any value in questions is subversive, so be prepared to lose your right to a fair trial if you want to challenge the divine order. Christian or Muslim, Jew or Buddhist, Hindu or Sikh, all must obey the ultimate reality and live to consume.
Capitalism is the only truth, money is the only answer to all problems. If you can't buy a person, they can't be trusted.
Trust the police, they work with professional criminals all the time. If you need anything done, then money will fix it. If you want to be smart, just go with the existing order. Don't make waves, don't question the powerful, and just keep quiet.
Any change in your behavior will be noticed by the Big Brother computer . If you want to live happily, obey the rules.
Originality is a disease.

brand names, money, poetry, capitalism, sex, politics

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