May 17, 2012 22:31
Variety is the Spice Girls of Life,
The Bond James Bond of friendship is strong,
Give me the Man who shot Liberty Valance or give me death,
Que Sara Sara Whatever Will Be Will Be an argument about the Will,
I have a Dream that One Day people will be judged by the content of their blogs, not by the crap they write on twitter when drunk,
Warning Will Robinson, Half the audience are freaking about about potential incest,
If you give a man a fish he'll look at you like you're a turd,
Better to have loved and lost your virginity than never to have got her phone number,
Go West Young Man, but just get the fuck out of here,
If Your Heart is heavy, remember your arse is usually heavier,
Plant a little Kindness in the Garden of your Life, over the graves of your enemies,
If they can't take a joke, sue them for sexual harassment,
Have some thought for the less well off, make it a snarky sarcastic thought,
Don't believe what you read in toilet graffiti, unless it's WIPE YOUR ASS STUPID,
Fundamentally the world is doomed, but that doesn't mean you have to be a jerk about it,
A Rolling Stone gathers Moss if it stops rolling, which is inevitable, sadly,
Freedom's just another word for not being in jail,
Because I said so, and don't argue, that's why, okay?
Listen to your elders, then when they're asleep, you can rob them,
The chicken crossed the road because it was taped to a skateboard pushed by a nasty child,
I came, I saw, I threw up,
Thank God it's Friday, because on Monday I might whack the boss upside the head,
Beauty is only skin deep, ask Hannibal Lecter for confirmation,
Believe in yourself, because everyone else is pissing themselves laughing at you,
Don't be a wise guy, especially if you have a vagina.
Out of the mouths of babes comes spit, vomit and endless fucking screaming.
I know, if I don't tidy up my room I can't have any dinner, so what is the bad news?
smart aleck,