Sep 20, 2012 02:44
Let’s see, stuff is always in motion, but lots of the time it doesn’t seem like you get anything to show for all the effort.
The chicken-coop project proceeds, but one of the chicks isn’t doing too well. It isn’t growing like the others, and peeps a lot more than the others. Sometimes they just don’t make it, but I never know how
Zachary might take this sort of thing. Will I get drawn into a discussion on the afterlife of chickens, and will our old dog will be chasing a dead chick (that doesn’t sound like heaven for chickens), or will he ask if all animals have their own heaven? All my studies of theology in college don’t help me with this.
The last few Zachary stories (for those of you who don’t read my facebook:
In the truck, listening to a news report about an assault in Union City:
Zachary- Was that in Concord?
Me- No, somewhere else.
Zachary- Good, then I don't have to worry about Mommy.
Daddy, I really like doing my homework while I drink my tea and listen to my music.
What is your favorite music?
"keep your hands to yourself" (Georgia satellites) "yours truly 2095" (ELO) and the one that has the lady with her brain in the jar
You know, by the door!
Eleanor Rigby?
Daddy, can you make me some new kinds of paper airplanes?
Uh, okay, I haven't made some of these for a long time.
That's okay, that's why I'm rebooting your brain!
Zachary has been asking when we can get the giant skull out of the shed… mommy has decreed that it can’t emerge until October 1st.