
Feb 25, 2010 09:51

Questions from mad_maudlin

1. What was your first SCA experience like? Were you an obnoxious noob or did you fit right in from the beginning?

I guess this depends on what you mean by "first SCA experience."  At my first meeting with Bellewode I think I fit in quite well.  I made a few jokes, mentioned what I wanted to do persona-wise (way different then what I ended up doing, btw).  I remember trying to make a concious effort of not being too out there and learning that they seemed all right.
My first actual event is a different story.  For the first time I was meeting "important people."  By meet, I mean hanging near them but not talking to them.  I had MAJOR hat fear.  I went to a post revel and sort of sat in a corner wondering what the people were singing and what my role in all this madness was.

2. Speaking of noobs, do you still own Anubis? What's he been up to?

Anubis (my black cat) is doing quite well.  He got along with my wife's cat after the marriage fairly quickly.  Now there is a kitten in the house as well (Andromeda) who keeps both Nicki and Anubis on their toes.  When he is not sleeping, he still stares at people evilly with a look that says, "You live only because I deem it so, human."

3. You obviously don't share your wife's interest in slash. Is there anything you're into that you know she tolerates in bemused silence?

Ooooh.... I am sure that there is, but Carol is really good at actually being silent about something.  Perhaps that is what she is most bemused about... the fact that I am an extrovert.  I know there are times when she does not understand how I can love going to post revels and hanging out with 30 new people can be so enjoyable.  Carol, what do you think?  is there anything else that you want to add?
Note:  After writing this draft I woke my wife up early and had her drive an hour to do an errand for me only because I was stupid.  This she also suffered in bemused silence....

4. Do you like your job? Not teaching in general, but the specific place work and students you work with.

Oh boy... depends on the day.  I love what I do, but I hate how political teaching is.  Just leave me alone and let me teach.  And kids, learn this stuff; it is important.  There are days that I wonder why I decided to teach at all, but then I realize that I can't see myself doing anything else.  So yeah, I enjoy it here over all.  My leaving in the end is sort of sad, as all good things that come to and end are.

5. Demonic robot tails: for or against?

As a plot element, I am all for them.  As a new accessory for an elven rogue grappling with the nature of good and evil, against!  I think that one adventure changed Xaren the most.  He was definitely not the same character I started out with.  For those not in the know, Xaren was a PC I played in a game ran by lofro .  It was a really fun game lasting two years in which my character died the most, was replaced by an evil drow, had an archenemy that he saw punished and then forgave, and finally learned to love someone.  It was a fun time.

The Rules:
- Leave me a comment saying "autochthonous".
- I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.
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