Вопрос, а было ли участие тамплиеров в проекте "Украина" вообще нет смысла ставить, если узнать, что жена Владимира Мономаха, урожденная английская принцесса Гита, праматерь целых кланов русских князей (а также прапрабабка Данила Галицкого) была участником Первого крестового похода и сопровождала в походе самого Готфрида Бульонского - первого
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I. Итак, Вы полагаете, что паломничество Даниила пришлось на 1128 - 1130 гг., и он описал в своём "Хожении..." второго по счёту короля Иерусалимского королевства Балдуина II, а поход франков на Дамаск - это, стало быть, поход 1129 г. Давайте сравним показания.
Вот описание этого похода, данное известным знатоком истории Крестовых походов С. Рансименом: "... This was the occasion for which King Baldwin had been waiting. On hearing of Toghtekin's death he sent Hugh of Payens, Grand Master of the Templars, to Europe, to recruit soldiers there, stating that Damascus was his objective. When Ismail's emissaries arrived, Frankish troops set out to take over Banyas from the Assasins and to settle Ismail and his sect within Frankish territory. There Ismail fell ill of dysentery, dying a few months later: and his followers dispersed. Baldwin himself came to Banyas early in November, with the whole army of Jerusalem, swelled by newly arrived men from the West. He marched on without serious opposition and encamped at the Wooden Bridge, some six miles south-west of Damascus. Buri drew up his army opposite to them, with the city at its rear. For some days neither army moved. Baldwin meanwhile sent detachments, mainly composed of the new-comers, under William of Bures, to collect food and material before he should venture to close in round the city. But William was unable to control his men, who were more interested in securing booty for themselves than in systematically gathering supplies. Buri learnt of this. Early one morning in late November his Turcoman cavalry fell on William twenty miles south of Frankish camp. The Franks fought well but were overwhelmed. Only William himself and forty-five comrades survived to tell the news to the King. Baldwin decided to march at once against the enemy while they were celebrating their victory, and gave the order to advance. But that moment rain began in torrents. The plain becam a sea of mud, with deep rivers cutting across the roads. In such conditions an attack was impossible. Bitterly disappointed, the King abandoned all idea of continuing the siege. The Frankish army retreated slowly in perfect order back to Banyas and into Palestine, where it dispersed..."
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