:; or drown in my sorrow.
2-19-18 9:38am
Okay I don't exactly remember how this dream started. I lied in bed too long and it started to go away. But it was a really cool.
What I remember was at some point I was in the old creepy house with these people. The house was falling apart. The bathroom was just horrifying. The tub was always filled with this nasty water. Water kept coming out of the toilet. And the floor was very like unstable and collapsing in on itself.
Inside the house like the living room kind of look like a church chapel. But like really destroyed and just dirty and nasty. These two girls I met I guess live there. They were little different though. One of them was using a different body than her actual body. Her actual body was a guy and he was in the coma death thing. And connect it to her. The weirdest thing about this was whenever he was trying to wake up she would have to masturbate to keep him asleep. Which is totally weird I know.
A lot of creepy strange stuff that didn't make sense was happening. Like I said I don't remember it all at some point she had to go and I had to keep that guy alive or something. But we left and outside it was really creepy remember there being woody areas is and there was some open areas and it was rainy and muddy. Let there be a line of trees than just grass and sometimes a building or just junk.
Remember there being Graves though. Something was going on with something I can't remember. I think I had a necklace or something that meant something. I know something eventually start coming after us like these creatures and people. Even cards. So me and my brother and someone else and some other person was running.
Remember climbing these Graves too. I really wish I could remember this dream. At some point we got to apart that was like an actual city. After running around in that one place for a while. I remember some guy who kind of look like Captain America going crazy. And people kept trying to run us over and every time they try to kill as they get stronger. He ended up giving us some rings as a truce and mine were red and gold which were awesome. But they're actually for someone else so I shared with him but ended up losing my ring later. At least one of them.
Remember we all got rings and thank my sister was there and she got a purple is she looking ring. Mine was red and maroon with diamonds. Which had designs on it that meant something. Anyway we were holding down this black tarp over us because he's things were being stronger in the city and they kept trying to run its over. But they couldn't get us under this black carp eventually they opened up this damn for water to flood everything around us. We started to leave but wasn't quick enough.
They're running in this really nice modern city when we saw the water and Brace ourselves. When the water hit it was destroying everything killing all the people with us. We're very good and strong and I was holding on pillars to not get wiped away. The water ended up going down and we were alive.
I don't remember much more after that. I wish I did because it was really awesome.