Aug 17, 2006 20:31
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog entry with four facts and one lie about yourself. Then tag five others. People tagged must copy this into their blog and post their own four facts + one lie as well as try to guess which number is the lie on your lj.
Dan:#4. We all know you would just buy more man thongs.
1. I would date, marry, and scientifically have babies with Kiera knightly
2. One of my top five goals in life is to be able to finish the New York Times Sunday crossword in pen without looking anything up in half an hour.
3. I just ate a can of mandarin oranges
4. I hate Christine, Dan, Amarrah, Becca, Laura, Kyle, and the Asian. They are not my friends. They are not the greatest people in the world whom I love more than life. I spit on them.
5. I would so marry the Asian.
I don't know who to tag. I think everyone's already done it.