I can't believe that when I went to get my S2 DVD set yesterday at Target, it was the second to last one in the WHOLE STORE. That's awesome! But makes me wonder where all these SPN fans are in my area. *singsongs* Hellloooo, come out come out wherever you are!
Anyway, here is my short review of the special features:
The commentaries were okay, not great, just okay. I must admit I was a little dissapointed in the J2/Kim Manners commentary for IMToD. It seemed like there was a lot of dead air on that one, even though we did get a few little behind-the-scenes tidbits that I enjoyed.
I liked the Kripke commentaries better, although there could have been more character insight and less "The weather is crappy..." type comments. He was very animated, especially in the AHBL pt.1 commentary, and he and Sera pretty much proved to me that they are bigger fangirls than all of us put together.
The Devil's Roadmap feature is neat, I suggest hitting "play all" rather than trying to highlight and click. That way they play all the featurettes, then the making of AHBL pt. 2, then the sound bites on people's favorite/not favorite eps. I think the sound bites were my personal favorites.
It was really interesting getting to see Jared's screen test, and see him slip in and out of character. He looks so cute! And I love his hair like that. But more than anything, seeing his audition makes me want to see Jensen's, both for Sam and for Dean. *keeps fingers crossed for S3 features*
But the Gag Reel is the best y'all. BEST. I would have been fine with it if that was the only special feature on there, because it is 9 minutes of PURE JOY for me. My Aunt watched it, though, and didn't laugh. AT ALL. Something is wrong with her, I'm telling you!
(cut for spoilers of the Special Features kind)
In Conclusion: S3 WHERE YOU AT? Hurry up, please, I'm dying over here!