May 01, 2005 14:06

My goodness I just don't understand what the deal with guys are and why I let them walk all over me.

So now I am so mad at my self because I text messaged the X-boyfriend. Why do I do that? I am so stupid but for some reason I think that if I cant get any attention from others I will get it from him, but well this time nothing, and I am stupid. Gosh why am I soo stupid? I hate myself right now.

Jeff, is soooo not going to happen. There is just too much I don't understand about him and he is not willing to make it clear to me. He does not talk to me, look me in the eye, not even a hug or a soft touch to let me know he's glad I'm there NOTHING and he does not understand that girls like that and I NEED that. I really hate feeling like I am not worth it. Every time I let my self like some one I get burned, I hate this, it all sucks and then I feel like crap and I cant deal with the pain of it.

Gosh TJ messed me up soo bad, I hate myself soo much, really, I don't think I could ever have the confidence to stand up for myself or just leave things alone, I hate this, behind my smile is a girl that just wants to be held, to be cuddled with and made clear that I am special. I feel like I run to TJ because he cant hurt me more then he already has and that I can handle, other guys is just a new kind of hurt, hurt that I don't want to deal with.

The stupid show is over and I thought things would be clear but now they are more of a mess then before. Make up your stupid minds, stop playing games and just be honest.

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