Man, I feel stupid

Oct 24, 2007 15:50

So, something I forgot to mention yesterday.

A few weeks ago I came home from work really pissed off and applied for a different job on a whim. Well, they called me the next day, I had a phone interview, then some preemployment testing, then two in person interviews. They were supposed to let me know one way or another by last Friday. I honestly didn't think I would get it, so when I didn't hear from them by Friday I wasn't surprised, and wasn't all that unhappy. It seemed like a really great job that I would be pretty good at, for almost twice as much money as I currently make, but I would have HAD to work both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and it's a little late in the year for me to explain that to my family. If I had gotten the job after the holidays, that would have been fantastic, and I could have planned for holiday conflicts...but no. Well, I heard from them yesterday, and they offered me the job. I turned it down. I didn't want to, but I had to. I don't think that at this time of year, with weddings still going on, holidays coming up, and all of that that I could handle training someone to replace me at Staples, studying for the certification test required for my other job, starting that job, and all the regular stress stuff. Plus, my first week of work would have been the week that Nathan is in Wisconsin for work.

So after this experience, I've decided to put off any further job hunting until after the holidays are over. Once that happens, I will try to find a job as good as the one I had to turn down yesterday, holidays possibly be damned.

As far as today, I just got home from work. Tonight I'm going to take Nathan shopping to get all the pieces to our Halloween costumes. They have to be done by Friday at 6, so we have to do it tonight. We have to go to:

Joann Fabrics for white fabric and foam to make mouse ears out of, and red felt for a gnome hat
Party USA for an eye patch and a white beard 
Wal-Mart/Max10 for a white turtleneck, white pants, red belt, wide brown belt, blue long sleeved shirt, and possibly brown pants.

I'm tired. I want another cookie and to go to bed.

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