Aug 30, 2007 01:00
So last night I had a rather interesting dream. It fluxuated between the first floor entry-way, living room and kitchen of a house being the ship's deck and the sea the ship was sailing in. I think it was actually the floor-plan of the house I grew up in until we moved just before my kindergarden year. So teh dream was mostly about coming up with different devices to use for the ship. Gattling guns, grappiling hooks, spring loaded oars which pushed ships away which got too close. All kinds of kooky inventions. The one scene I remember well where the house was the sea, was traversing the dangerous cliff straights. To get from the kitchen to the living room the boat had to pass by the closet/cave whose denizen was a purple kraken. As we neared my keen eyes spied a heartening sight, the kraken's tentacles were hanging out from under the closet/cave torn apart by another ravenous creature. And so we slunk by as quiet as possible praying the bigger monster hadn't chosen to hang around.
It was a fun dream. Reminded me of all the imaginary games I used to play as a kid. A backyard turning into the city for superman and superboy to save, etc etc, yadda yadda. That and pirates are always cool. =D