I know. I haven't posted in ages, but now I have! Yay! I've been working at the local workforce office being a gopher/receptionist, but tomorrow's my last day. Last weekend my grandparents came down to visit. That was fun. I already miss them. This upcomming week I'll be going to Florida with my mom to visit my great-aunt. That should be fun too except for the 2-days worth of driving there and back. My bf is supposed to be going to New Orleans this weekend for a football game too.
I'm working on trying to get into college and I'll be filling out tons of scholership applications. Yay for writers cramp.
I get to go to Oni-con this year because my friend Erin can't go for medical reasons. She has to get a root channal. Poor girl. Her face is all swollen. I hope she feels better soon.
And now... It's time for a new peice I'll be doing called Scampers, the psychotic squirrel. Scampers is this squirrel that lives in the trees in my front yard. She's been pretty normal for a while. You know, digging up acorns and re-burrying them, trying to steel bird seed out of the bird feeders, or just sitting there looking cute and fluffy. But recently she's been doing something really odd. My mother likes to put out those little flags on sticks in the front yard. She ptus an american flag on one side of the sidewalk and a texas flag on the other. Well, every so often one will dissapear, or come completely off of the stick. We thought it was just the crazy Texas wind we get sometimes, untill one day mom goes outside and sees scampers carrying a texas flag, sans-stick, up one of the trees. The crazy squirrel has been stealing our flags! Well, mom decided to stop putting the flags outside, though she left the decorative Oklahoma State University flag out there, thinking it was safe on it's decorative iron post-thing. Well, since the flags were gone Scampers turned her attention to the flipflops mom leaves outside by the door for mail- or newspaper-runs. She chewed the thongs off of both of them and put plenty of teeth marks into the rubber. Then, once that was done, she turned her attention to our welcome mat. She is now slowly chewing that down. And, to top that all off, saturday when mom and I came home from the mall with my grandmother, I notice that there was something funny with the OSU flag. Scampers was on top of the flag-post-hanger thing for that with the flag bunched up at the top chewing on it! Of course, I chased her off and took the flag off of the hanger and brought it inside, but sadly, it is unsalvagable... Now she's turned to chewing up peices of mulch in our garden. Hopefully she won't destroy anything else any time soon.