For the record, I absolutely abhor living with my family. On the upside, my friends certainly provide amusement, distraction, and sensational gossip. Thanks. :)
Utterly gacked from
qtipmotha. I'm reordering and adding a few questions, though
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When is my birthday: in November ( I am so bad at dates!)
Do I have any siblings: no, I don’t believe so
Where did we meet: Summer Health class! We made awesome nutrition collages!
How long have you known me: I cant count, but I’d say that makes it about 5 years
When is the last time we saw each other: over Xmas break
Do I drink: I’ve seen you with Gin and raspberry woodchuck on several occasions
What was your first impression upon meeting me: “this is girl is reading A Clockwork Orange and not in an AE tee… perhaps I can bug her instead of talking to the jocks beside me”
Am I funny: very, in a scathing wit kind of way
What's my favorite type of music: Placebo, Tori Amos and Mary Prankster all bring you to mind
Am I shy or outgoing: outgoing
Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules: you are a mindless conservative sheep! Oh wait, wrong survey … rebel.
Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else (what): “something else” ha! God im funny …. Um, sassy.
Describe a memory we've shared:
Have you ever hugged me? Kissed me?: yep
Do you miss me: aw, of course
What is my favorite food: sushi
What is my worst habit: you, like me, don’t use the phone
What is one of my trademarks: bending apo boys to your will ;-)
If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring: Ipod
Are we friends: I’d like to think so
Will you repost this so I can do it for you: sure
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