Ah, the sweetish scent of insecticides heavy on the air. It's an hour past the safety margin, supposedly, but I think I can feel brain cells dying.
No matter. All I need do is think of all the insects, dying horribly in the snug little holes they have carved out in MY HOUSE and I feel happy. Hee. Bug death. It's a beautiful thing.
For lack of something better to post, a shipping meme!
One True Pairing Ship: I've gotta say, I'm a traditionalist for Sam/Jack (SG-1). Luke/Mara (SW) is pretty awesome too--I've been shipping them since she first kidnapped him and dragged him at gunpoint through a deadly forest.
Canon Ship: Maybelle/Corny (Hairspray). Admit it, they had a little something-something. Mmm-hmm.
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a fork" 'Ship: Doctor/Anyone (textually). That's what fanfic is for! Just give me the subtextual fic fodder and I'll be a happy fangirl.
"You are one sick bastard" 'Ship: Well, I ship Peter/Claire, but only in 'non-related' AU. My ships are actually pretty tame.
"I dabble a little" 'Ship: Four/Sarah Jane. They are just so cute! I also kind of like--and I feel a bit loserly for saying this--Ryan/Kelsi, from High School musical. *headdesk*
"It's like a car crash" 'Ship: Daniel/Janet (SG-1). Kind of difficult, what with the...dead...thing.
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" 'Ship: Jamie/Sarah Jane. *flails slightly* I don't know where this cam from, but it refuses to go away. Gah.
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" 'Ship: Ten/Rose. They were best-friends and slightly scary with each other, not the stuff of epic romance. I also don't get Sam/Gene (LoM) AT ALL--they don't have to hate each other, but I can't see Gene turning 'fairy', as he would say.
In other news: I am downloading Life on Mars series two like the lawless blaggard that I am. The power of Sam and those 'bloody clowns' compels me to.
Speaking of clowns, Test Card Girl is creepy as heck and should not be watched on the same day as Blink. It will cause strange and disturbing dreams.
In other other news, Bones is awesome and Booth and Brennan need to get married and have pretty babies. That is all.