Oct 16, 2009 12:54
The boys are mostly better. They're eating, playing, and squabbling like normal. Chris is slowly improving. I'm still not sure whether the girls have had this or not.
I had been doing all right while everyone else was ruined, but I woke up this morning with breathing trouble like I was in the middle of a bad case of bronchitis--vague sore throat, no voice, can't cough anything up, and it's hard to move air in and out unless I really focus and breathe slowly and deliberately. I get worn out if I'm upright for more than a few minutes, but lying down makes breathing un-fun.
Calls have gone to Kaiser to either see the doc or have a prescription for Tamiflu (and a new inhaler since the old one expired) called in for me. I'm pretty sure I've caught this soon enough for Tamiflu to help me. That is if I can get Kaiser to cooperate and actually make a decision whether I need to be seen or just handed drugs. This waiting is stupid. The longer I wait, the less effective the Tamiflu will be.
Hopefully, Kaiser will phone in the drugs and they'll work well enough that I'll be able to go to class on Monday and be functional for my exam on Wednesday.
Stupid flu.