Happy 2008... I'm Bored Already

Jan 25, 2008 22:55

New Year annoys me. I always go into it thinking "This year's going to be amazing" (or something along those lines, the whatever tends to change with every year). I should really say I hate the middle of January actually. New Year's usually rather good - drinking, partying and karaoke can never be described as bad really - but come the middle of January the realisation that this year is turning out to be just as sucky as the last one starts to kick in, and that's when it all goes to hell in a handbasket.

For anyone who hasn't already noticed I'm in rather a depressive mood, and those wishing to avoid a very maudlin post should really just tune out now.

It's already the twenty-fifth of January 2008, and life is pretty much as it was in 2007. I guess it's stupid to expect things to be magically amazing just because we changed the calendar in the kitchen (which has now been replaced by a pin-board for some reason; how I'm meant to know the date now is beyond me) but it'd be nice if for once everything just fell into place. So far the only thing that's new and good in 2008 is I've started playing and loving Final Fantasy XI. I'm geeky and it's amazing but seriously, when an online RPG is all you have to look forward to, you know your life sucks.

I feel like I need to get out there and do more things and have more to my life than cleaning and eating and sitting on my laptop playing games. I enjoy all those things, but so far they're pretty much all I have, and it's starting to really get to me.

I miss Edinbugh. I just really want to go home.

The Tally for 2008:

Men: 0
Potential Men: 0
Nights Out: 0
Jobs: 0
Cigarettes: More than can be counted by human means
Alcohol: More than can be counted by any means
Time Spent on FFXI: 14 days, 22 hours and 17 minutes



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