May 22, 2008 03:20
On Tuesday, I undertook a dangerous but I considered oh-so-serious mission to challenge a foe. This enemy has been taking advantage of people for YEARS and I figured that now was as good as time as any to fight to show it who's boss.
The enemy you ask? Gravity.
I lost.
I am currently bedridden, over-medicated and short of patience. If I am not on AIM, answering tags, emails, or anything please understand Yes, it is you and No, I don't want to talk to you again. Ever.
...that or I'm in pain and moody so I'm sitting in my corner of the internet, writing whatever the hell I wanna because I'm a grumpy crippled puppy.
I really hate being bedridden. This yellow wallpaper has to go.
Cross posted to get everyone I might have missed.