reading day

May 10, 2006 08:35

This is a nice feeling; mostly everything has been wrapped up. Classes have ended, and most of my finals are finished, as well. I have to go to Fine Arts as a formality, and I'm hoping there will be no more grade wars in there, and Spanish, being a night class, lasts until next Monday. The biggest thing that's weighing on my mind is the MTEL. The Massachusetts Teacher Education Liscensure test. I've taken the standard Communication and Literature test, but the Foundations of Reading is classically terrifying and I'm so nervous. To make a long story short, all of my plans about the wedding and moving south could be very mixed up if I don't make it through. I know I'm good at tests, but I also know that my cockiness could cost me. I'm taking it on Saturday, and I'm going to study hard until then. When THAT is over, summer will have truly begun.

On a happier note, Ben and I have decided where we want the wedding to be. We're getting married on Lake Champlain in Vermont. It's beautiful and out of state, but close enough to keep mostly everyone happy. My grandparents have a house on top of a mountain, and there is a beautiful park on the water where we'll have the ceremony. With this detail cemented, it's a lot easier to make other plans. It's going to be so pretty.

I'm going to relax and job hunt a little this week. Wish me luck!

finals, wedding

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