Jul 19, 2006 13:25
First an Update on Crappy Bands I Used to Like: Apparently even the emo kids don't like My Chemical Romance anymore. Apparently they are too pop-y since they showed up on MTV. Maybe when they're all done crying about it they can get back to crying about other shit. Yep.
Social D was awesome, again. Some 60 year-old guy tried to start a fight with us because we were in his General Admission seats. (Red Rocks apparently prints your seat number on the ticket even for Gen Admission.) We scooted over to make room for him and his daughter, or girlfriend or whatever she was. We wouldn't scoot over all the way because we were waiting for our friend to get back with beer and needed to save a seat for him, and this upset grandpa but he pouted and sat down in the two seats we gave them. A few minutes Dan tried to apologize for not handling the situation in the most civilized manner (not that the guy deserved it) and the guy just kept being an asshole so Dan says "is your ass so big you can't fit in those seats?" and the guy's like "well you have a big head!" Way to go guy. Way to be mature. Dan says "why don't we just call the seating police and have them rearrange the whole fucking place?" "Yeah I think we should. I'd like that. Honey go get security." Her: "No." Then they left "fine we're just going to go find other seats." Good. I was hoping they'd come back so I could sprawl out across three seats and say "sorry they're taken now." But the didn't. Oh well.
I think I'm finally going to get my tattoo maybe next week if my neck is feeling better - minor surgery again just yesterday. Supposedly there is "no way to permanently fix" my neck...I can get some radio-frequency thing done that I think kind of fries the nerves in the area to make it not hurt and that lasts for about a year. The clinic I go to is doing some stem cell research to see if putting stem cells from your hip into other joints can regrow tissue or whatever, and in a few months they might know if that would work for me...whatever. I just want it to be done with. My lower back is finally almost all better. I started doing "core power" yoga - like a cross between pilates and yoga I guess, with some situps in the middle. I love it, it's very relaxing but a good workout at the same time.
Oh, and get your armpits waxed. It is the greatest decision I have ever made in my life.