
Jun 13, 2006 11:49

I got to see the first sketch of my tattto design the other day. It is rad. To review: It's the statue of liberty with her hands in chains, pulling the chains apart with the word "Fight" somewhere at the bottom, maybe on the pedestal of the statue, that hasn't been worked into the design yet.

My dad upon hearing about the tattoo: "Wow. This administration has really fucked you up, hasn't it? ;) "
Me: "Yeah I guess. At least it doesn't say 'Fuck Bush' since no one will care about that in ten years unless I tell them I'm a lesbian."

I'm still trying to decide if I want it on my left or right arm, it will go from just above my elbow up to my shoulder. If any of you can point me to info on cultural significance of the left arm vs. the right arm that would rock. Or if you have any other input.
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