It's been a while...

May 10, 2005 14:25

Once again I find myself in the trap of never updating this blasted journal. I try to remember to...but I just get busy and find that I don't have the time to. Lot's has happened since my last post. The day after my last post I was working outside again when my Department Head asked me why I wasn't inside working on the grills like I was supposed to. I told him that I had been scheduled for outside now and wanted to know since it looked like I was going to be out there for the rest of the summer if he still wanted me in charge of the grill section.

He looked at me and told me that he needed me on the inside and that he was going to have a talk with the scheduler about me staying in inside garden. So from then on I was back to being an inside garden person. It just goes to show that if you know how to do something for someone, you become very important to them. So since then I have been having fun luging grills in from outside. It's hard work, but I like it better than doing outside garden work. So I try not to complain. Plus I also can't say that any of my hard work in not being noticed. I was made Associate of the Month for inside garden for March. That gave me another badge and ment I only needed four more to get an extra 100 dollars on my pay check.

Then a couple of days after I got my third badge. I helped out a customer so much that he went to one of the Assistant Managers and told them how good I was to him. I am still not sure why he did that. All I was doing was my job. I just answered everyone of his questions and helped him load his grill into his SUV. I do that with everyone. But apparently he thought it was special so I got rewarded for it.

Oh, also the isles of Home Depot are no longer safe. I now have my Fork Lift licence. Yes, you can picture it now. Eris on a Fork Lift trying to get the hundreds of dollar grills off of the shelves. Can't you just seem the mayham that I can cause. ::rubs hands in anticpation:: I got on a Lift Truck (Fork Lift that can be used inside the store, it runs on a battery and is Enviormentaly Safe)Saturday. I was scared out of my mind. Since I had never really driven one before. One of my co-workers saw how scared I was and made me get off of it. He got the grills down for me. So I was releaved about that. The grills that the customer wanted was almost 700 dollars. Needless to say I am sure you can understand why I was so scared getting them down.

I also got called into work today so I could get my new employee review. I did better on it that I thought I would. I was just hoping to be good enough to be able to get my raise. I basicially got a B score, which I was thrilled about. It was also weird to hear the Assistant Manager talk about how if I kept on the course I was on. There would be some good oportunities for me in Home Deopt. Which I took to mean if I kept up the good work I could become a Department Head or perhaps even an Assistant Manager. It is somehting to think about, but I'm not sure if I want to work here longer than I have to. The people that I work with are's just the customers. They can be...I am trying to think of a semi nice word I can insert here. So far I can come up with nothing. So I will let you all fill in the blank as you wish.

So Eris has a lot to think about. Just how she is going to live the rest of her life. And because all of you know how indecisive I am. It will take a long time for me to think about it.
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