Changes in the winds.

Dec 16, 2004 07:54

Well, today is my last day here at Gwinnett University Center Library. I am really sad that I am going to have to leave here. It's been my job for the past 3 years and I have loved it. Now, because I graduated in August, I have to go off and find another job. To most people that isn't something that they think is a big deal. They just go out and get a new one. But for me it is a big deal.

All my life I have never really liked change. I liked for everthing to stay the same so I didn't have to worry about anything. But as all of you know, that never happens as much as I hope and wish for it to. So when change comes I am always very reluctant to do so. It always scares me to. Because I have no clue what is going to happen next. ::sigh::

Now, I stand on the brink of change again. Not sure what I should or should not do. I have already been applying for other jobs but I have yet to get one. I just hope that some how I find a new one. So that my parent's don't think that I am trying to mooch off of them.

There is another thing also, I am not going to go to college this spring. I sat down and had a talk with my parents. Together we decided that it would be better if I waited till fall before starting back to school. Because if I had went in the spring to Kennesaw, like I had planned, I would have just taken one online class. Something that would be a waste of my time and money, since I had taken most of the classes that Kennesaw offered online. So starting in January I will have to reapply to a bunch of different schools. Not sure which ones, but I have to choose soon so I can get accepted and apply for Federal Aid and those evil student loans. ::shudders:: I have been trying to avoid them as much as I can. I have no desire to have more debt than what I have to have. My credit card bill is high enough.

So with these final words, I say good bye to the school where I have earned two degrees and managed to make a couple of good friends. I wish everyone here the best of luck and hope that the best of luck will stay with me wherever the winds may take me. Good bye GPC and the Library, thank you for the memories and for the sorrow. My life has forever been made better by it.
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