Aug 05, 2004 16:26
Yesterday I had an unusual day. I went to Books-A-Million at Discover Mills to see if the two books I had been waiting for, were on the shelf or not. I pulled up to the red light to turn off of Sugarloaf and noticed a black Chevy truck with four guys in it, in the other turn lane next to me. I didn't think anything of it because I pull up beside cars all the time. When the light turned I turned and headed for Discover Mills, but I noticed that the Chevy gunned it and pulled right behind me. At this I started getting a little on edge, but I kept doing what I had been doing and pulled down a row to find a parking space. The Chevy kept following me.
I passed a parking space that I could have easily parked in and went two rows over to park my truck. Thinking that the guys had just been following me by chance. I backed into my space and messed around in my truck a bit. Thinking that maybe they had already gotten out of their truck and headed inside. When I got out of my truck and headed to the entrence, the guys were out of their truck and slowly walking to the entrence. Almost as if they were waiting for me. I quickly walked passed them and headed inside to Books-A-Million. I went to the isle where my two books would be and started looking for them. I glanced up and the four guys entered the store and began looking around. One of them made eye contact with me and quickly broke it. I grabbed one of the books that I wanted, because the other wasn't there, and headed off to another section. When I glanced around again, I noticed that the guys were just walking past where I was. I swear that I heard one of them say "there she is".
Hearing that I decided that it was time to leave because I was not just being parnoid. I hurried to the checkout line and the lady at the regester took her sweet time ringing the people in front of me up. One of the guys spotted me and not five minutes later the four boys were right behind me in line. I got to listen to a couple minutes of them talking about porn mags before a lady walked over and told the boys that if they wanted to the regester at the Coffee shop could take them. Why she didn't tell me that, I have no clue. I was there first, but I didn't question it. I was just glad that they were gone.
Finally the lady at the regester finished with the people in front of me and I got to check out. I paid for my books and headed out of Books-A-Million to my car. By the time I got inside my car, the guys had gotten out of the store. They were looking around the parking lot and when one of them spotted my car he pointed at it. Needless to say I put my car in drive and headed out of there as quickly as I could I got out of that parking lot. I was gone before they had a chance to get to their truck.
I know that I am not the most attractive woman in the world. So I know that they weren't following me because they wanted to ask me out for a date. Maybe I was just freaking out. But I felt that I had to tell someone about this just to get it off my chest.