Appropriately Dressed

Oct 14, 2011 23:38

Title: Appropriately Dressed
Rating: G
Word Count: Around 410
Characters: The Doctor
Summary: There is no way he is letting her go out dressed like that!

Author's Note: For the one shot challenge at who_contest Hope you enjoy...

"You want to go dressed like this?  Are you sure?  Outside.  Outside, where there are people.  Are you really okay with them seeing you wearing that?"

She did not answer.  That was a bad sign.

"I mean, it's dangerous.  There are laws.  Real laws. The kind that involve lawyers and judges and summary executions. Like New Frankfurt. Lovely place, New Frankfurt.  They'd have us both crucified for this outfit.  Well, they'd crucify me.  I'm not sure what they would do with you.  Something unpleasant.  With axes.  Am I convincing you yet?"

She did not look convinced.  He could imagine her making all the normal excuses; she liked it, it suited her, it was flattering and fun...

"This is a really, really bad idea."

He could feel himself getting agitated.  He suspected she was doing it deliberately to get her own way.  He took a deep breath.  He had to be calm if he was going to persuade her to change her mind.

"Perhaps you could wear that one from last week.  It was beautiful.  The sparkles were lovely, and so subtle and... chaste."

He could almost feel her glare.  Chaste, he decided, was the wrong word.

"I didn't mean chaste, I meant appropriate."

Great.  That was even worse.  She was almost quivering.

"I mean... I meant it was... nice. It blended. You blended. The people of Farratosh thought you were gorgeous.  They told me.  'Beautiful,' they said. 'She is very, very beautiful'."

That was better. She stopped quivering, and the emanations of rage dropped a few points. He flashed his most winning smile. He would have given her a quick hug, but she was still furious (probably the 'chaste' comment).

"And those nice people in Gravidian. They made sculptures of that last one. I'm not sure this is going to get you many sculptures."


He decided to pull out the big guns.  He was a Time Lord.  His words were his weapons.  They were his skill.  Of course he could convince her to change into something more appropriate.

He wheedled, pleaded, threatened and cajoled.

In the end, he muttered, "Fine.  If I get crucified and you get chopped up with an axe, don't blame me. I tried to warn you." And he stomped off to get his coat.

If she could have smiled, she would have.  She never wanted to to go to New Frankfurt anyway.

She was going to stay a blue Police box forever.  
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