Drabble: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Mar 24, 2006 17:52

Title: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Rating: PG
Pairings: None. Jack/Liz if you squint really hard.
Disclaimer: Nope, not mine.
Summary: Elizabeth takes stock. Riffing off a deleted scene that I love more and more with each viewing. For "Blue" challenge, 100 words, not counting title. Fear my drabble-fu.
Feedback: Always appreciated.

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Item: One island, small.
Item: Several anemic palm trees, huddled together as if for comfort.
Item: Large quantity of fine white sand.
Item: Self. Salt-stained, sans dress, shoes, and dignity.
Item: One pirate, with pistol and unsettling dark eyes. Thoroughly amoral. Currently cleaning said weapon and casting sardonic looks at her from said eyes.

"Really not all that big, is it?"

Item: One ship, vanishing swiftly below the horizon.
Item: The Caribbean Sea. Wide, trackless, deep, and very blue.

"If you're going to shoot me," Elizabeth says, turning to her kohl-smeared, bedraggled, and bedeviling companion, "please do so without delay."

potc, drabbles, fic, jack/liz

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