Remix Fic: The Path of Thorns (Demon Girl Remix)

Jul 26, 2009 13:14

Title: The Path of Thorns (Demon Girl Remix)
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Giles/Anya
Rating: PG-13 for brief allusion to rape (possible trigger)
Summary: There's no more coming back this way. Season 6, post-Hells Bells.
Original story: Roses by antennapedia
Note: Many thanks to my lovely beta, piratemistress.

The Path of Thorns (Demon Girl Remix)

Also, oneiriad remixed my CotBP-era tale The Governess into the unique and delightful Fragments of: Some Autobiographical Notes by a Counterfeit Governess (the Picaresque Remix). Not to be missed.

remixes, anya/giles, recs, btvs, fic

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