Year-end fic meme

Dec 30, 2007 15:28

Borrowed from penknife, although she's far more prolific than I could ever be.

Pirates of the Caribbean

The Pirate's Progress (5 parts, complete)
Fragile Things
Sand and Water
As the Sea
The Swan's Wing
Dancing at the End of the World (Proper Pirates Extended Dance Remix) (Two parts, complete)
Ocean Heart
By Blood Undone
Fait Accompli (drabble)
Janus and the Prodigal

Drabbles for the potc_dogwatch 30-day drabble countdown:
Give Nothing Back; Sailors Take Warning; Here There Be Monsters
Sticks and Stones; What Price Redemption
Too Bold; To Best the Devil; Condemnation Enough; The Deepest Circle; The End Is the Beginning; Time and Tide, Love; The Establishment of Terms; Heir Apparent
Brave New World; Not in Our Stars; Terrible Bad Luck
Silver Nor Gold; Apt Pupil

Tin Man

Some Kind of Fairytale
The Stillness Between

Favorite(s) of the batch: Like children, I love them all (and am annoyed by them all) more or less equally. But if I must pick, I'd have to say "The Swan's Wing", because I am quite as in love with Warrior!Elizabeth as Jack is in that fic and because it's what I wished AWE could have been about. I also have a soft spot for the unremitting angst and tragedy and ghost-story sensibility of "Fragile Things".

Best of the batch: Probably "As the Sea"; I like its trickiness and originality and the fact that it's very different from a lot of my other fic. "By Blood Undone" is a close second, though--there's a lot going on in that one, although I think the style is a little exaggerated in places.

Most underappreciated by the universe: "Dancing at the End of the World" didn't get as much feedback as I expected for a fic that was partially Jack/James--probably because explicit slash/threesome fic doesn't appeal to my regular audience. penknife's "Proper Pirates" was also much more to the point (this was "the remix that ate Singapore.")

Most fun to write: Definitely "The Pirate's Progress", being less angsty than my usual and very self-indulgent with the allusions--even though it also had me stuck for months. Actually, all the fics that come to mind as "fun to write" were also hard to write ("Dancing at the End of the World", "As the Sea".)

Sexiest fic: I think "By Blood Undone" and "Dancing at the End of the World" have a tie here. Two explicitly smutty fics--more smutty than any I've written before--and also very "fun" to write!

"Holy crap, that's wrong even for you" fic: I haven't posted anything very wrong this year--you folks were almost subjected to mpreg, so count your blessings! DatEotW was probably the biggest envelope-pusher, at least in regards to my own boundaries.

Fic that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: "Ocean Heart" was written to do this very thing--the implications of the end of AWE lay heavy on my fannish soul, and I had to write Elizabeth back out of passivity. "Fait Accompli" helped with Jack's side of things, and what exactly was going on during their goodbye scene.

Hardest fic to write: "Dancing at the End of the World" had me in agonies, because I loved the original (and all of penknife's work) so very much, and I'd never done a remix before. But it turned out to my satisfaction and was a pretty rewarding challenge. I hope I won't be too busy for Remix this year, although it seems likely.

Biggest disappointment: Not having more time to write, not finishing as many fics as I would have liked (the ALK series, the above-mentioned wrong!fic, a couple others that never quite made it off the ground) and AWE itself. All of the fics that got posted did more or less what they were supposed to do.

Biggest surprise: "Curiosity" received more laurels than I expected for a fairly simple, straightforward movie scene-rewrite with a dash of island!fic to boot. Although I do love both scenes referenced therein.

Most telling fic: "As the Sea" was inspired in part by my musings and misgivings about femininity, motherhood, and commitment (it's not alone in this--see "Ocean Heart" and "Sand and Water"--but it's the most direct.) It was also intended to reverse the "Elizabeth gets left holding the baby" theme that came out of the AWE post-credits scene.

Year-end squee: A new fandom--yay, Tin Man!--and renewed inspiration for writing (please stick around, o muse...)

memes, fic

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