So, I've apparently lost the livejournal crossposter that I was using over at wordpress...and I've actually posted! Several times! Here's the most recent:
As a part of my "trying to be all-around healthier and happier," I've decided that I'm going to do better with getting some regular exercise. I was doing pretty well with walking in the summer and early fall, and then that kind of, well, went away.
I recently dusted off my gym membership (BAC...I may look for another, less expensive gym when this membership expires...), and I've been mostly just walking on the treadmill using my iPhone app.
I really like this app--it analyzes your music, and plays music according to the pace of your walk or run. Here are some of my current favorite walking songs:
- Bad Medicine/Keep the Faith--Bon Jovi
- Bad Romance/Teeth/Lovegame--Lady Gaga
- King of Spain--Moxy Fruvous
- Gettin' Jiggy Wit It--Will Smith
- Under the Carlaw Bridge--Lowest of the Low
- Up!--Shania Twain
- Without Me--Eminem
- New Sensation--INXS
- Happy Girl/My Baby Loves Me--Martina McBride
- Cold, Cold Heart--Midge Ure
- Shine/Desperation Song--Carbon Leaf
- Personal Jesus--Depeche Mode
I like songs that keep me at a decent pace and put a little bounce in my step! I'm always looking for new things to add, so if you have any suggestions, please share!