S - N - O - W ! * ! * ! * ! * ! * ! * ! * !

Dec 07, 2009 08:55

WHOOP DEE DEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YIPPITY SKIPPITIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday they were saying we could get snow, and (as often happens) I was up in the middle of the night. We were getting a lot of rain. Then I was watching the temperature readings....37....35....34.....33.... I didn't actually see the snow fall (waaah) but we clearly got it! Not huge amounts, but when dawn came, we had a smattering of the white stuff. It is so incredibly rare here that it is very exciting to have snow where I live. Other areas nearby (Danville and Alamo for instance) got a good amount, about 2 inches. Here it was just a little brief visit from the snow fairy, enough that we could say it snowed and have a smile. By now, I think it's already melted pretty much. I took some photos for posterity. It made me laugh. When I was out there taking pictures, even with the small amount of snow, it still was enough to crunch under my shoes and that is the best sound!

In my time in the Bay Area, snow has been an exceedingly rare event. When I lived on the other side of the Bay, I had three gifts of snow, one of which happened on my birthday, which was fantastic! The possibility of snow was much greater during the three years I spent in Seattle. Since I moved back, I haven't seen snow at all on the valley floor, and definitely not since moving here. So today is a Banner Day. So exciting!

Now I just wish I could post the photos but none of my attempts are working on dialup. Fiddlesticks. Maybe I can try to do something about that later. Those of you who live in colder climates and get bigger amounts of snow are probably busy laughing at me but....this is such a rarity here that it is really a joy.

Hugs and love to everyone,
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