Belated as always.

Sep 25, 2011 11:57

Happy 4th year anniversary, Jump

I know Im late, but still, it's better late, than never. & sorry for the fail picture.

I met them 2 years ago I think. The first JUMP member that got my interest is Nakajima Yuto, he's the first JUMP member who I searched in Yahoo! And I typed it wrong. I typed it Nakijima Yuto. I will not forget it since I still have the notebook where I first write his name. I don't know why I ignore him and went to Chinen Yuri. I should've stick to Yuto. and because I'm a type of person who don't want the same bias with her friend, I changed Chinen. My friend introduced Yabu to me by watching one of his fanvideo. I always said that he's my bias, but mind you, I always backbite him. I always said that I'm just joking and that he's voice is so ugly.

When the magazine of my friend arrived, I saw Kei and Keito. I thought Keito's name is Kei, and Kei's name is Keito. I got confused so I ignore them.

I said, once, that Yamada is cute, in their NYC video. IF I ONLY CAN GO BACK TO THAT TIME /sighs

AND I ALWAYS SAY HIKARU IS UGLY. When I was in my sophomore year, when they asked my ranking, Hikaru is always the last.

All that changed. In this 2 years of fangirling JUMP, even though I sometimes, kinda bored to them, just give me a one video that I haven't watched, I'll probably cry and my heart will start thumping like crazy. I can say that even though how many fandoms I already have, I'll still back from my first love, and that is JUMP.

I want to thanked them, because if it's not of them, I'll not know AAA, AKB48, other JE groups, etc.

I love you JUMP, even though I love Mirei-sama now. You're still my number one. FOREVER. :'>



And ofc, belated Happy birthday bb Kaoru. I know you're famous now, and lots of people are pedophile-ing you now. Stay humble, and stick with your father, Ryo.

I love you dear! /flailing

Watched their spring con and Yuto, with his wet hair, playing drums is so EPIC. I feel like banging my head in the laptop. XD

imma proud rabbit, the emotional inner me, kuramoto kaoru

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