Fanfiction Alert!

Jan 04, 2011 19:05

Title: Everything happens for a reason

Author: aikyarioka , keixseth  and yours truly, erinteguchi

Charcaters: KeitoxOcxYabu, DaikixOcxYamada, KeixOc

Rating: G- PG 13?

Disclaimer: I do not own this.

Genre: Comedy and Romance

Summary: Erin Teguchi, Yabu Kota, Keito Okamoto, Daiki Arioka, Kei Inoo and Yamada Ryosuke are bestfriends that were addicted in Physics. They made lots of experiments, and they only need one thing to be an official physicists and this is to pass the board exam. Keito is out of the country because of some reasons and Yamada wasn't able to get the board exam because of bakaness. Is it really true that "Everything happens for a reason?"

"Tsk. Tsk. It's 20 minutes before the exam and Yamada's still missing." A nineteen year old lad said as he glanced at his watch while impatiently tapping his foot.

"Don't worry Dai-chan, he'll be here--he must be here." Erin Teguchi who sits right next to the tal guy, named Yabu assured Daiki as she also glanced her watch.

"Ohayoo gozaimasu! There will be 10 minutes before the exam starts. All reading materials must be surrendered before entering the room. Arigato." the proctor announced. Almost half of the population walked around the room while remmebering the things they studied, other's openhed their books and took out their index cards, some looked stressed but still force their eyes to read. Ignoring the announcement and panicked murmuring, our four protagonists looked at each other, having the same thought, "He is so dead!"


"*pant*I can*pant*I can still make it." A brown haired guy said as sweat trickled down in his face. He's been running for almost an hour now.

"Let me in!" He shouted as he ran towards the main gate of Tokyo University. The gurad pulled a red lever and the gate opened for Yamada Ryosuke. Non stop turning from left-to-left, that's what he did. He kept running until---

"Shit!" he cursed as he filled his lungs with fresh air, straight from the field. He checked his watch.

"Damn, I'm late." he slumped hopelessly down in one of the fields bench. He rubbed his temples and heaved a heavy sigh.

"Ahhh! I have to wait for another year!" he declared as he stood up and layed down the grass field. He looked up the skyand sighed.

"They'll be disappointed, tsk." he said as he closed his eyes feeling the cool breeze brush his delicate skin.


On the other side of the world, a young man stood steadily beside a bed ridden woman.

"Gomene Keito-chan," a woman around her 40's apologized to her son who's standing right beside her. Guilt is eating her conscience.

"you should be a physi--" she's about to rattle but Keito cut her off.

"Mom, I'm glad to be with you here in England, and you know there's always next year mom. Board exams can wait." he said as he gave her a sincere smile and kissed her forehead. The sick lady smiled at his son's behaviour and closed her eyes.

"Too bad I can't take it." he thought as he fixed her mother's blanket.


An hour ago, the proctor called them in and wished them a good luck. Now, Daiki, Kei, Yabu and Erin walked out of the exam room. It was supposed to be 5 hours of sitting and cramming of ideas, but it was reduced to one, well, for the 4 of them.

"Wahhh! It's so easy!" Kei said as he stretched his arms. The other's nodded in agreement.

"Definitely easy, I guess we'll make a perfect hit?" Yabu added, when suddenly Erin stopped walikng.

"What's the matter Erin-chan?" Daiki asked as he tried to feel Erin's temperature. Erin ignored him and he followed her gaze. She ran and hugged Yamada.

"Why are you not there?We're supposed to take the exam as a group. Together." she said.

"Sorry." is all that he can say.

"I agree with----Teguchi." Yabusaid as he walked towards Yamada and ruffled his hair.

"I kinda lost the way. Hehehe." he said and laughed.

"Baka." Kei pouted as he looked at Yamada. "So carefree," he thought

"Don't worry Yama-chan, the test is su----per easy! You'll pass it next year with Keito-chan ne?" Daiki cheered and playfully tapped Yamada's shoulder.

"I know." Yamada laughed and smirked. "Definitely." he thought as he looked at his friends with a gentle smile plastered on his face.

TO BE CONTINUED.(I'm tired typing the next "chap"! Sorry.)

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