On our trip to Bluegrass, Iowa we took Zack to the carnival they were having. We THOUGHT that he would like the rides. After all, this is the kids that is climbing on our tables, spins in circles, and dives off the couch. We could not have been more wrong. Maybe it was the scary "carnies". Maybe it was because they had the same rides that we probably rode on as kids. Maybe he just was not in the mood for a ride.
It started off fine.
Enjoying the ride
Near the end of the ride...looking for some comfort in the form of his thumb
So figuring that our Monkey loves to swing, we put him on the swing ride....
It started off just fine
One look at the "carnie", yielded this face
Which quickly turned into this....
And before you start thinking that we are horrible parents. We took him off the ride immediately, once he started crying (good thing he was the only kid on the ride). We do not want him to be fearful of rides. Carnies, yes. Rides, no!!
So then Pat decided that he needed something to comfort him...
So he played a game
And won Zack a lizard toy. And all was right in the world again!!