Mar 29, 2004 13:08
I haven't been online for awhile now. Most people who care, know why so I don't think I should go posting it in my LJ. Actually, I have had this thing for awhile, I just never got around to using it. But, I'll try more and more each day to up-date if enough people bitch about it not being up-dated. But, if not, then I wont.
Today, I got up and went to the Drs. They un-wrapped my burns and it was pretty painful. Now, they bleed like crazy until new skin grows over. Every hour I have to put new, clean, bandages on them along with medicine. I don't like doing it. I cry everytime, it hurts so bad.
I have to go get Brittany from my granny's house in a few hours. She'll be there everyday this week until I'm better and out of the hospital.I'm having 3 surgerys on Wednesday and I'll start physical therapy on monday. I'll go everyday from 8:30 until 2 or 2:50. So, therefore my leg should be better in a month or less. Maybe more, but hopefully less.
Joel keeps calling and harassing me about Brittany. I think it's going to result in me calling the cops and getting him put away for good. But I dont know if I want to do that to Brittany. She loves him alot but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Note to guys-When you call a girl you've NEVER talked to on the phone with, make sure you get her name right when she answers. ;D