In the event anyone wonders where I go when I vanish off all fandom horizons, feel free to read behind the cut. If not, move along, buddy, nothing to see here. ;-)
How lovely of you to peek in! :-) Oh, wow, you're almost done with Atlantis? *SQUEEE!* Go you! I would be so delighted to one day pick up your novel and say, I knew her when. ;-) Thanks for leaving a note! Best wishes and good luck to you - and be sure to post on LJ when you finally get your story accepted. :-) Cheers ~
I offer you a Peanut Therapy Kitten to help you deal with the rejection letters. I'd offer you tips on how to use the rejection slips as wallpaper, as some authors have been rumored to have done when they were first starting out, but I have no clue how to hang wallpaper, so there you go. :)
And don't worry, whenever I finally get my first novel to the point where I can send it out, I'll probably have rejection slips to compare with you. :) But mine is a looooooooong way from being done, so I think you've got a nice headstart on me. ;)
Oh, this is too cute! Peanut Therapy Kitten! ROTFL! Sorry for the late reply, but I've been off on holiday. *snicker* Kittens in piles of packing peanuts - that is guaranteed to make anyone laugh! ;-)
Meanwhile, thanks for the good thoughts! You'll get your first novel done, it just takes time. I think our muses march to their own speed of drummers! Just keep writing, even if it's not in linear form and even if you end up deleting stuff later. Best of luck - and thanks! :-) Cheers ~
I can't get my muses to stay focused on one project before they get distracted by the sparklies of a new toy to play with. I really need to send them to boot camp, I swear! We won't even get into the ideas they started coming up with when I first saw Dead Man's Chest... Nor how distracted I get when I look at Will in sexy leather coat. :)
Good luck with your novel!!! :) There simply must be a cyber-party once you sell it! :)
I noticed! Though I've seen you on BPS, of course :-)
I'm sorry to hear about the rejections, but I'm absolutely sure that "someday" will eventually come, hopefully sooner than later. You are a wonderful writer and and an excellent storyteller. I wish you the best of luck and I'll keep my fingers tightly crossed for you!
Now that I'm back from holidays, I can try to get caught up. ;-) Thanks so much for you compliments! I tip my plumed hat and return the same to you - Your gift with words, with plot, with characters and the raw guts of storytelling, is such that I can't help wishing one day I'd see a story of *yours* in conventional print - though I surely won't blame you if you prefer to avoid the aggravation. Meanwhile, a compliment from a writer of your caliber simply leaves me with a large, silly grin - Thank you! :-D Cheers ~
Of course we've missed you and enjoyed immensely the moments you drop by at BPS. I'm thrilled to hear you are doing so well at "Real" writing--by which I mean not the rejection slips but the actual completion of a project! How many of us have a file of unfinished "novel" somewhere? Keep up your courage with trying to break into that market! It may not help to be reminded that Madeleine L'Engle spent 10 years trying to find a publisher for "A Wrinkle in Time"! But when she finally did, it won the Newbery Medal and became an instant classic. Your writing is so very beautiful that I can't imagine you won't find a perspicuous editor who appreciates you nearly as much as we do! :D Someday I hope to join you as the receiver of rejection slips for something publishable!
Ever the lady of beautiful words. Can I just take your lovely encouragement and wrap myself up in them? :-) It does indeed hearten me to think that, however long the road, perhaps hope waits beyond a distant bend. I'm stubborn by nature anyhow, so I'll just hope my tenacity can match Ms. L'Engles', in the long run.
And as for you, I would give anything to have a novel of yours in my hands, to read and reread and set down with a sigh, but only so I can read again some other time. You have a rare gift of magnificence in your writing, and somewhere, should you sail that sea, I've every faith you'll make your mark. Just remember to tell us, so we can rush out to be your first readers! :-)
*Throws you the Oxford English Dictionary full of beautiful words of praise for your writing and all the bad words for the visionless idiots who send rejection letters when we want to read your novel!* Wrap away
( ... )
Hey, is it as hot up in your latitude as it is down here in the Lower 48? Gad! Meltage! ;-)
Anyhow, just wanted to say a belated Thanks for your encouragement! :-) LOL, yeah, form letters suck hugely, but I guess I'm getting used to them. Just got another on a short story a couple days ago ... whee. ;-) But encouragement from friends definitely helps me *keep* that positive attitude. Thanks so much! Cheers ~
Comments 29
(The comment has been removed)
How lovely of you to peek in! :-) Oh, wow, you're almost done with Atlantis? *SQUEEE!* Go you! I would be so delighted to one day pick up your novel and say, I knew her when. ;-) Thanks for leaving a note! Best wishes and good luck to you - and be sure to post on LJ when you finally get your story accepted. :-)
Cheers ~
I offer you a Peanut Therapy Kitten to help you deal with the rejection letters. I'd offer you tips on how to use the rejection slips as wallpaper, as some authors have been rumored to have done when they were first starting out, but I have no clue how to hang wallpaper, so there you go. :)
And don't worry, whenever I finally get my first novel to the point where I can send it out, I'll probably have rejection slips to compare with you. :) But mine is a looooooooong way from being done, so I think you've got a nice headstart on me. ;)
Seriously though, good luck!!! :)
Oh, this is too cute! Peanut Therapy Kitten! ROTFL! Sorry for the late reply, but I've been off on holiday. *snicker* Kittens in piles of packing peanuts - that is guaranteed to make anyone laugh! ;-)
Meanwhile, thanks for the good thoughts! You'll get your first novel done, it just takes time. I think our muses march to their own speed of drummers! Just keep writing, even if it's not in linear form and even if you end up deleting stuff later. Best of luck - and thanks! :-)
Cheers ~
Good luck with your novel!!! :) There simply must be a cyber-party once you sell it! :)
I'm sorry to hear about the rejections, but I'm absolutely sure that "someday" will eventually come, hopefully sooner than later. You are a wonderful writer and and an excellent storyteller. I wish you the best of luck and I'll keep my fingers tightly crossed for you!
Now that I'm back from holidays, I can try to get caught up. ;-) Thanks so much for you compliments! I tip my plumed hat and return the same to you - Your gift with words, with plot, with characters and the raw guts of storytelling, is such that I can't help wishing one day I'd see a story of *yours* in conventional print - though I surely won't blame you if you prefer to avoid the aggravation. Meanwhile, a compliment from a writer of your caliber simply leaves me with a large, silly grin - Thank you! :-D
Cheers ~
Ever the lady of beautiful words. Can I just take your lovely encouragement and wrap myself up in them? :-) It does indeed hearten me to think that, however long the road, perhaps hope waits beyond a distant bend. I'm stubborn by nature anyhow, so I'll just hope my tenacity can match Ms. L'Engles', in the long run.
And as for you, I would give anything to have a novel of yours in my hands, to read and reread and set down with a sigh, but only so I can read again some other time. You have a rare gift of magnificence in your writing, and somewhere, should you sail that sea, I've every faith you'll make your mark. Just remember to tell us, so we can rush out to be your first readers! :-)
Thanks so much for your kindness.
Cheers ~
(The comment has been removed)
Hey, is it as hot up in your latitude as it is down here in the Lower 48? Gad! Meltage! ;-)
Anyhow, just wanted to say a belated Thanks for your encouragement! :-) LOL, yeah, form letters suck hugely, but I guess I'm getting used to them. Just got another on a short story a couple days ago ... whee. ;-) But encouragement from friends definitely helps me *keep* that positive attitude. Thanks so much!
Cheers ~
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