The hat had been a moment's boyish impulse, yet Will donned it now with somberness. He checked the swords at his side; one for himself, one for Jack. Then he slung his cloak about his shoulders and opened the door with a steady hand.
His footsteps smote familiar cobblestones with pleasing calmness. In all likelihood, whatever the outcome, he would not return. A wavering reflection caught his eye and he halted. His own face stared back from a shop window; firm jaw, plumed hat, eyes unblinking.
Yet one thing seemed wanting. He studied himself an instant before reaching to the nape of his neck. Quick fingers tugged loose and cast away the confining thong, freeing his hair to spill on his shoulders. Once he had worn the somber queue of a blacksmith. Today he would wear the curls of a cavalier.
On he walked towards Jack and the waiting gallows.
~ * ~
(Written for the "hair" challenge on my
The_Black_Pearl_Sails fan fiction group.)