Apr 26, 2007 12:47
My dreaded comp is written - now I just have to wait until May 7 to defend it and then if all goes well I'll be ABD (all but dissertation). Just one more hoop and then I can start to be a grownup! Well, kinda.. I also just found out I get to teach my first university course and it's going to be "Greening the Campus" of all things. I'm a theoretical gal and it's very applied, so we'll see how that goes. I'm excited and nervous. The course hasn't been taught at WLU for a long time, so I don't have much to go by except what they do at UW. I've got until September to plan for it though.
Today I'm hanging out at home waiting for contractors to arrive and look at the cracks in our brick walls. Turns out the beautiful ivy on one side of the house was masking some monstrosities. At least I'm getting practise contacting trades and I'm starting to get less cowed by the whole process.
In much better news, Agile Like This is playing our second full-band gig in Ottawa this weekend! It's for a record label called Kelp Records that's having an anniversary of some sort. We've been practising up a storm and working on an EP - maybe we'll put more stuff on our myspace (I feel like such a kid just saying that word - myspace - tee hee). I haven't been to O-town for awhile and am looking forward to wandering around downtown and maybe finding some music stores or visiting some of the museums.
Robsgoatfarm got the music in for his upcoming show, "Mrs. Bob Cratchit's Wild Christmas Binge" and I'm starting to work on learning the piano part. We're hoping we might be able to do the show with live music if we can find a way to make space in the theatre. The songs are saccharine Christmas ballads and hilarious - actually, they remind me of the ALT Jesus songs a little, but more politically correct. I don't know why I'm so concerned about political correctness - you should hear the stuff that goes on inside my head!
All Christians keep your ears closed now - I'm currently reading a historian's take on the gospels and it makes Jesus sound like he's narcissistic or schizophrenic, or some kind of personality disorder that involves thinking of yourself in very grandiose terms. For some reason I had always assumed that Jesus was a humble person who had greatness thrust upon him, but really he was wandering all over the place telling people that he was the fulfillment of every prophecy in the Torah. It makes me think that they got it completely wrong in Jesus Christ Superstar - if he came today, he'd be institutionalized and maybe even cured. I doubt that Judaism would have managed to overtake the Roman Empire since the Jews are far less open to converts, so who knows what religion would have caught the West's attention...