Dear Diary,
Today I have very little to whine about. Instead, a few notes from my fun-filled weekend, which I am fondly calling "Thanksgiving, the Revenge"
- More on the chocolate chip meringue front: kabuki_mask and I actually tried making our own with great success. I'm including the recipe here for her benefit: we whipped 4 egg whites, 1/8tsp cream of tartar and 1/8 tsp of salt at medium, then added 3/4 of sugar and 1tsp vanilla on high until the egg whites were stiff and beautiful. Then we folded in 3/4 of a bag of milk chocolate chips and spooned them onto a baking sheet covered in parchment paper. Baked at 250 for 1-1 1/2 hours and then let them cool in the oven until dry. Absolute heaven!
- Came home last night to find out that we are acquiring a last second new roomate. Must go home very soon and try to empty out our spare room, which is currently filled with random crap and lacks a light source.
- Finally finished this year's scholarship applications - YAY!!! Now must actually do some scholarship
- Could kill johnofnotrades for half convincing me to run the NDP party and start my own newspaper. Why are you such a bad influence?
- Am currently reading a novel called "Cloud Atlas" by David Mitchell. I'm not halfway in yet (I don't get much time to read for pleasure), but thus far I would recommend this book to everyone I like. It's extremely well written and manages to be both highbrow and exciting at the same time. So far it reads more like a set of loosely connected short stories than a novel, but they're so well done and it's never dull. Apparently Mitchell has at least 2 other novels so I'll be looking for them next.