i watched a documentary on dorothea lange last night:
Dorothea Lange: Grab a Hunk of Lightening (
wow, that was absolutely amazing. anyone that identifies as an artist/photographer should watch this film.
it made me feel sick with inspiration. it is making me examine my life, my art, my actions...
it is making me feel excited to go out and create while also making me feel completely inadequate. i rarely pick up my camera anymore... i am typing this one handed while i try and feed my baby daughter a slice of pear. i feel like a section of me is lying dormant. is it possible to marry every facet of yourself? can pieces of you atrophy?
she made very different choices to her approach to motherhood... not ones i would make. but at that time in history and what she was marked to do... did she really have a choice? she made a choice about who she was going to be... and she just lived it 100%, uncompromising. she had an incredible work ethic... and her call to activism... something i see coming up for myself again and again. there are so few voices.
she also spoke about how she was able to take her photos. "i learned to wear an invisible coat."
i will have to watch it again tonight.